Sunday, September 14, 2008


Perception is defined as the process by which we select, organize and interpret information. And it is influenced by psychological and social factors. Different people have different perceptions due to these reasons.
Just like the new apple iphone 3G, some people love it while some people find it like an eye candy and nothing else. Why the difference in perception? It all comes back to how a person define his or her mobile phone. Is it a phone for you to call and sms or for another purposes, and what are these other purposes?

What reasons that may influence one's selection in choosing this phone? Could it be the individual characteristics, mass media, social network or the environment? One may select this phone due to the knowledge he or she has on this muti purpose phone. One may also select this phone due to how mass media has portrayed it with its desciption of the phone. Perhaps one may has many friends who bought it thus, would love to have one himself. Or maybe one just want to show off to his peers that he has an Apple iphone.

After selecting and organsizing the information one have on iphone, he or she will intepret whether or not should one buy the phone.

In advertising the phone, the companies uses non-verbal communication such as the physical appearance of the iphone. This is done so by using printed ads or nicely animated videos to introduce the features of the phones.