Sunday, September 7, 2008


Hi people!
Ok this is my second post this week and this will be a post which is more related to communications. Well, since this is only the second post I shall talk about something that is more light-hearted. Let's talk about the new animated movie 'WALL-E'

WALL-E is a 2008 computer animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. This film is about the story of a robot named WALL-E who is designed to clean up a very polluted Earth. Before watching this movie, I was asking my sister about the story. All she could tell me was that the show is nice and also the constant calling of the name “EVE” or “WALL-E”. I became hesitant as to whether I should proceed to watch this new movie. In the end, I still went to watch it and I realized why had my sister describe the show in such a manner yet still recommend it to me. It has a terrific story told well which transcends any age even without many words. Since this is a movie, it is definitely catagorized in the linear model of communication. We have learnt that the linear model is one which is of a one-way communication. The director of this film has used this model to send across a few messages that he wants his audiences to know.

These few messages are
1) The constant polluting of Earth may one day lead to an irreversible outcome.
2) Communication does not only take place verbally but also through actions
3) Humans over dependency over technology.

He has successfully bring across the first message by depicting Earth in the future to be like a giant waste land polluted with many un-recycled materials. He is using one of the persuasion appeals which is Logos to convince us that we should start to care for Earth and be more environmental friendly.

Next, throughout the show the most prominent word spoken through WALL-E is EVE. Everybody who had watched this show would know that WALL-E is truly in love with Eve even though WALL-E has not say it out in words. He expresses his feelings towards Eve by doing things to impress her. Not only that, the more obvious affection given is the way WALL-E looks at Eve. The movement of the 'binoculous' eye, the slanting of its eyes to one side as it looks at her is the most significant expression to let the audience know that WALL-E is in love with Eve. This is an example of a non-verbal communication that has successfully make clear to the other party what one is thinking without having to say it out clearly.

Lastly, although the focus of the show is about Wall-E the director has not failed to leave out a few pointers that he wants his audiences to take note of. Most of us would have realised that we can no longer survive without technology. Technology is all around us. However, the director might have felt that many of us has been abusing the use of technology. He brings across this message to us by putting it in a very exaggerate way as shown in the film where people depend on machines to do everything for them.

All said, I must say that this film is really good and clear in bringing the messages across even with very little verbal communication. Hence, verbal communication does not play such a big role in communication as much as I thought it does after all.