Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mass media

In today's post, I will talk about the impact Mass media has on us.
Mass media plays a large role in today's society. Charles Wright identifies four media functions, and they are surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission and entertainment.

The first function and probably the most important of all is surveillance. Mass media acts in a way in which it provides us with worldwide information as well as information that is within one's own country. It gives us fast updates about what is going on around us. Hence, in a way mass media actually make our world a smaller place to live in as information gets disseminate around very quickly.

Yesterday, I went to catch a movie entitled "Eagle eye". It depicts a very negative image of the technology that we used in our daily lives. In the movie, the two main characters were being ordered to do a series of increasingly dangerous situations. They were being threatened by a mysterious woman whom uses phone calls to communicate with them. Using the technology of everyday life, this mysterious woman track and control their every move.

Before watching this show, I have not realized how much technology has impact our lives. The amount is so great that if someone has caught hold of the main source of technology, he or she will be able to take over the world by having everybody's movement being track every second. This displays a very scary image of how much of technology in the form our mobile phones, electronic display boards and machines that each of us uses everyday.

Just like technology, mass media has influenced us in many ways. Our cultural beliefs and perceptions have been shaped by it. Unconsciously, our behavior and every moves have already been manipulated to suit what the media has "taught us". This is similar to how the movie has depicted how much we depend on technology and when technology is suddenly used to turn against us, how helpless we actually will become. Little did we know that, mass media has the same effect on us. If we were to walk out of our house, wearing clothes that the media has portrayed us a no-no, talk in a different manner, or argue a view which everybody feels is the norm or ideal, we would definitely gain a lot of unwanted gaze from others and negative comments. By behaving in this manner, we would also not be comfortable. Hence, in a way, the media has made us follow whatever it has taught us and when we try to be different, we feel out of place. Have you all experienced this feeling when trying to be different from the rest?


Blogger Kai Siang said...

I think the movie probably over exaggerated how much humans are dependent on technology. But it is a good way to let people reflect on the issue. Do we want to become so dependent on technology to the extent that we can be controlled? i guess not.

October 21, 2008 at 9:24 PM  
Blogger Geraldine said...


i agree that mass media has an influence on people in today's society. and it's pretty obvious that many people are trying to imitate what they see on tv or movies. they follow the way celebrities dress and talk and some to the extent of how they look.

and i do agree with kaisiang that we wouldnt want to be so dependent on technology to the extent that we are controlled by it.


October 22, 2008 at 10:08 PM  
Blogger silent reverie said...

Halo Chloe! (=

I watched Eagle Eye too! It's quite an entertaining show.. and some of my friends have mentioned how this "tracking" system is already in place. Oh no, i'm not kidding you, but perhaps this tracking has not developed to the stage where there's a psychotic delusional power-hungry robot calling all the shots.

Yesh, as we grow dependent on some forms of technology (or many forms), this relationship is being closely monitored by the powers to be, either for reasons of "national security" or (allow the exaggeration for illustration purposes) diabolical reasons. The internet is a great way to communicate, hence monitoring an individual's movement on the internet is also a great way to understand the profile of the user as well. Yesh, "big brother" is watching. Of course, most of the stuff they (yes, "they") trudge thru is just noise, and harmless. But they need to pre-empt as well, so if they decide that certain individuals may pose a threat, and if they're powerful enough, they could take measures (even subtle ones) to ensure that their desired outcomes are led to eventually.

No kidding, it's necessary, if you consider what's at stake. If terrorists can take out thousands of lives easily, how can those in power stand by idly? But let us remember that "with great power, comes great responsibility"!

Oh, oh. Back to your other discussion. Hmm.. the media telling us how to behave. It does, but i would not say it's completely bad... I mean, there has to be some sort of consensus, sometimes. Of course, strict adherence to social norms can be rather stifling, and yesh, it hurts when one is unable to be one's own person without the abiding others frowning down upon oneself. It seems like.. there are certain rules to be followed, and we are expected to play by them.

Perhaps it's like fashion. Designers with new ideas build on the old, tried and tested. They improve on them, or are inspired by them. They do not immediately come out with out-of-this-world concepts, but rather ingeniously concoct a blend of the accepted while introducing their new, brilliant ideas. And call it their invention, their "new" design. With this link, or identification with the somewhat familiar, people might be more accepting.

It's okay to be different, i would say. That's how new ideas are born. That's how we improve (= Do not be afraid! only be afraid of your own fear. Perhaps then we'll learn to overcome it, and live life to its fullest sense.

October 25, 2008 at 6:00 PM  
Blogger Z said...

I watched the movie too and i must say that it is a scary prospect on how technology will evolve. However, though it might be an exaggeration, we cannot rule out the fact that it happens. Technology is indeed advancing at a tremendous rate and this movie tells it all. While mass media shapes our perception, it can be for the good too. Watching the news and channels like National Geographic Channel helps us to gain essential knowledge.

November 7, 2008 at 10:53 AM  
Blogger Jun said...

hydriz, you caught the movie together with chole? hehhehe~
anyway, yes i agree that mass media has a huge impact on our lives in the society. It affects our perceptions of things, for example, a figure of a lady. How would a male judge the figure of a female? He would probably state his ideal according to what the mass media shows, say jennifer lopez or coco lee.
Who says a female with a good figure must have nice curvy body? Its the media.
Of course, it depends on personal preference as well. However, sadly, most of our tastes and preferences are shaped by the media. I'm not saying that humans don't have a mind of their own, but being a part of the society, we will more or less get influenced. Those whio try to be different? Emo people who dress "abnormally". Yes, they surely do have a mind of their own. Perhaps, too much of a mind of their own. Its not a bad thing. But look at how the majority of the people judge them? They are facing something called "social consequences" for not following the expectations of the society.

Its good to be different, but not too different. -.-

November 7, 2008 at 12:03 PM  
Blogger joy said...

I didn't watch the movie, but i do agree that the mass media has played a great deal of role in our lives by influencing us in many different ways. They tend to have the ability to change our perceptions and manipulate us in ways that we ourselves are oblivious to. So techinically, we may just be silently controlled by the mass media without even knowing it. But just like what the others have commented, its not all that good for us to be dependent on technology all the time.

November 7, 2008 at 12:44 PM  
Blogger Life. Stories. said...

Yep. I agree that technology has a mass influence over people, especially the developed nations. We subconciously allow ourselves to follow what the mass media portray is cool and appropraite. Most of the time, the TV programs and Newspapers are fighting for market shares and thus, they compete with each other with regards to how unique their programs are. Therefore, their objective is not to portray the right things but the most sellable things. As consumers, we outght to protect our minds and be discerning when we watch programs and news.

November 7, 2008 at 4:58 PM  
Blogger Chloe said...

Thanks for the comments people!
I agree with what you say jsquared. The social consequences you mentioned would be what I have covered in my previous pose: Stereotypes and prejudices.
In fact I respect people who dare to be different for their courage to face the negative perception others have on them.
And it is these unique individuals who make the world much more interesting.

November 8, 2008 at 10:18 PM  

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