Friday, October 3, 2008

Group communication

Effective communication within a group is important in terms of getting the work which is assigned to one done.
In a group, which is most likely more than five people, it is quite hard to get the task completed if the group's dynamics is not there. The lack in group dynamics may be caused by several reasons such as the cultural differences, differing views...

As I searched the internet, I chanced upon this really cute hand drawn comic ( as shown below).

In this comic, the grapefruits ostracized the lemon? based on physical appearances. In this case, the lemon represents those whom are different from the norm and the grapefruits represent people who discriminates others.
In a group, this is undesirable. When a task is given, it is important that the group members can work together pleasantly so that quality work can be produced effectively as a group in a whole. The art of communicating in a group effectively is important throughout our lives. In school or at work, or even the daily socializing in a clique need us to communicate in groups.
Since we cannot avoid it, why not learn the skills in group communication?
Therefore, we should put our differences aside and work together as a team! This is done so by not offending or putting down any other group members just because he or she done not meet "the expectations". After all, each and every one of us is unique in our own ways. We are not in the right position to judge anybody unless he or she is really not doing his or her work.
An effective way in managing group communication is to either hide your displease with the group member and should not show any biasness towards him or her or to come clean with whatever that is bothering you with that group mate. This is to ensure that there would not be any situation whereby personal dislikes obstruct the completion of the task given. Being a responsible group mate, one should definitely not put down another group mate in front of others. This will not only influence the people negatively but also affect the group's dynamic altogether.
Think before you speak is really something that all of us should keep in mind when communicating. Even more should we during group communication. Personally, I feel that group dynamics plays a very large role in effective group communication.


Blogger Geraldo Maia said...

Hello Chloe,
It is a great pleasure to visit your nice and interesting blog for the first time.
Best wishes from Brazil:

October 3, 2008 at 1:15 AM  
Blogger Zed Ngoh said...

er... it's not a lemon. it's a grape. and it's a fruit.

in other news, i am glad that you are aware of the characteristics which makes up a good team member, and i am glad to be working with you.

unfortunately, not every one has the level of maturity to understand that the world is being than oneself. we can choose our friends, we can choose our spouse, but we cannot choose out working colleagues. so when encountered with new people working together in a team, we can obly remember what we have learned and practise the right thing.

October 6, 2008 at 12:41 AM  
Blogger Kai Siang said...

The picture also shows that people want to be part of a group. Perhaps it is drawn by someone whose culture is which is more collectivist?

October 6, 2008 at 1:46 AM  
Blogger Chloe said...

Oh hello Geraldo,
Thanks for visiting my blog=)
Thank you the rest for visiting my blog as well!


October 6, 2008 at 9:43 PM  
Blogger Chloe said...

Oh ya! No wonder I got a little confuse! Thanks Zed for pointing it out. I'm glad to be working with you as well=)

Yes, definitely effective group communication do not just happen. Effort has to be put in and whatever that we learn, we should practise it to ensure it stays permanently in our long term memory.

October 6, 2008 at 9:47 PM  
Blogger Z said...

In terms of a group, people tend to stereotype/discriminate their group-mates before doing the actual given task. This might hinder the progress of the allocated task. Putting aside the differences is one method but it might not always work. That's because the displeasure might accumulate and result in social loafing on the group members' part. I guess it's all about give&take. As long as the group has a common goal and positive attitude, things should go well.

October 8, 2008 at 2:38 PM  
Blogger lucas said...

when we were assigned to our coms group, many of us did not know each other and many first impressions were formed. we somehow put mental labels to each person, 'geek', 'slacker', 'ah beng', whatever that came into our minds the very instant we had a look at that person. although already proven to be very inaccurate, most first impressions are hard to get rid of.

as time went on, we got to know each other better and more synergy was found, it is really important to find out the strengths of each person in a group setting. as long as that is achieved and capitalized on, many things can then be easily done.

October 9, 2008 at 9:55 PM  
Blogger AmandaCWL said...

haha, lucas raised a very good point there!

it is indeed not easy to work in a group of people you have just got to know. every single member is crucial and will indirectly affect the progress of the assignment. even if you have personal grudges on a particular member, you should think of the welfare of the whole group and try not to cause any conflicts.

October 10, 2008 at 11:34 PM  
Blogger diet whipped cream said...

i feel that respect is a very important aspect of group communication. mutual respect will prevent any forms of discrimination or anyone from being ostracized. thus, all ideas contributed will be analyzed impartially.

respect also makes everybody comfortable in a group. this will allow for the members to really bond amongst themselves without any restrictions, which makes working on the project a fun process. wouldn't you wanna have fun working?

October 11, 2008 at 8:39 PM  
Blogger Geraldine said...

the cartoon is so cute!

what the cartoon illustrates is evident in society today. It's like discrimination of people, either by race or language or character.

I guess it is difficult to work with people who are different from ourselves but people have to understand that with groupwork there will be more ideas and the different strengths of each individual will help make the project better!

October 11, 2008 at 9:43 PM  
Blogger Amos said...

Hi chloe!

It is indeed true that we all cannot avoid interacting with others and in our lives we definitely have to work in a group whether we like it or not. Knowing about communication theories like group think and ways to handle certain group conflicts would be definitely useful when one has to work with different individuals to accomplish a single objective. In fact a family unit is just like a group that no matter how hard you try, they will just never leave you. However applying such theories and being more understanding of each others different perspectives, relationships will be strengthen and group cohesiveness will be further amplified. So start at home and slowly realize that no man is an island.

October 12, 2008 at 11:26 PM  

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