Sunday, September 7, 2008


Hi people!
Ok this is my second post this week and this will be a post which is more related to communications. Well, since this is only the second post I shall talk about something that is more light-hearted. Let's talk about the new animated movie 'WALL-E'

WALL-E is a 2008 computer animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. This film is about the story of a robot named WALL-E who is designed to clean up a very polluted Earth. Before watching this movie, I was asking my sister about the story. All she could tell me was that the show is nice and also the constant calling of the name “EVE” or “WALL-E”. I became hesitant as to whether I should proceed to watch this new movie. In the end, I still went to watch it and I realized why had my sister describe the show in such a manner yet still recommend it to me. It has a terrific story told well which transcends any age even without many words. Since this is a movie, it is definitely catagorized in the linear model of communication. We have learnt that the linear model is one which is of a one-way communication. The director of this film has used this model to send across a few messages that he wants his audiences to know.

These few messages are
1) The constant polluting of Earth may one day lead to an irreversible outcome.
2) Communication does not only take place verbally but also through actions
3) Humans over dependency over technology.

He has successfully bring across the first message by depicting Earth in the future to be like a giant waste land polluted with many un-recycled materials. He is using one of the persuasion appeals which is Logos to convince us that we should start to care for Earth and be more environmental friendly.

Next, throughout the show the most prominent word spoken through WALL-E is EVE. Everybody who had watched this show would know that WALL-E is truly in love with Eve even though WALL-E has not say it out in words. He expresses his feelings towards Eve by doing things to impress her. Not only that, the more obvious affection given is the way WALL-E looks at Eve. The movement of the 'binoculous' eye, the slanting of its eyes to one side as it looks at her is the most significant expression to let the audience know that WALL-E is in love with Eve. This is an example of a non-verbal communication that has successfully make clear to the other party what one is thinking without having to say it out clearly.

Lastly, although the focus of the show is about Wall-E the director has not failed to leave out a few pointers that he wants his audiences to take note of. Most of us would have realised that we can no longer survive without technology. Technology is all around us. However, the director might have felt that many of us has been abusing the use of technology. He brings across this message to us by putting it in a very exaggerate way as shown in the film where people depend on machines to do everything for them.

All said, I must say that this film is really good and clear in bringing the messages across even with very little verbal communication. Hence, verbal communication does not play such a big role in communication as much as I thought it does after all.


Blogger Zed Ngoh said...

i have not seen the show personally, but from your short description i roughly understand the storyline.

the 3 Rs of saving the Earth, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is a part to be played by everyone. unfortunately, the human being has evolved to much selfish thought, 'if i were to do my part but the rest don't, then what's the point?'

we should not adopt the 'if we can't beat them lets join them mindset'. we cannot change the world, but we do what we can.

September 7, 2008 at 12:33 PM  
Blogger -=:.[+.sEvEn.NiNe.+].:-= said...

i watched it! totally cool and touching, especially the part when eve was so anxious about the dying wall-e!! anyway, its quite obvious about the intention behind this show. "please stop generating rubbish and love the earth, if not u'll end up staying in outer space, fat and ugly and forgotten. oh dn forget the loss of calcium in your body."

i guess its a really good way to put across this message, as education startrs fromm young, furthermore, a animation that is enjoyed by people from all walks of life definitely can relate to it.

September 7, 2008 at 4:44 PM  
Blogger Nichika said...

Its interesting how the director managed to convey his messages so clearly to you without much verbal communication present in the movie, except the word, “EVE” or “WALL-E”. This movie is an example of how nonverbal communication is equally capable of sending the message vividly.

September 7, 2008 at 4:50 PM  
Blogger fen said...

I think this is a good movie. The director was able to protray the feelings of Wall E and Eve very well even though they communicate very little verbally.

However, the expressions of the robots were featured very well. The eye movements and everything allowed viewers to understand the emotions of the robots.

September 7, 2008 at 8:31 PM  
Blogger Z said...

I love this movie!!!

Great usage of non-verbal cues, excluding the frequent humming of "EVE" and "WALL-E". The "facial" expressions and various actions from the robots clearly depicted the power of non-verbal cues.

Good effort in reading deeper into the movie. The various messages conveyed are indeed important lessons that us Earthlings should take heed of. Thumbs up for the director and to you!

September 8, 2008 at 12:03 AM  
Blogger Amos said...

HI Chloe! Amos here! I personally have not seen the movie (although i really wanted to!). However judging from the posters i have seen while roaming round town, the graphics and contrast of colors do catch the attention of most people. For the most part after reading yr article, i guess the movie on the surface looked like another children flick but there is indeed a deeper meaning which is our planet's conservation.Interesting point brought up about how communication can take place even if there isn't any verbal exchange between two individuals. Facial expressions and body language can be used as an effective media tool to express or bring across a certain emotion or message. As the main characters in the film are both robots, normal human speech is remote and hence the director uses a script that was more focused on movement and facial expressions. A very unique and different perspective on how communication can take place. :)

September 8, 2008 at 12:26 AM  
Blogger Chloe said...

Yes Amos! Communication takes place in most parts of our lives and days. It has already been something that is so natural that sometimes when we are asked to define communication, we are not able to do so. In this film, the director made it very obvious that even without the usual conversations we have we people, we are actually still be able to convey our messages by using other means such as body languages and facial expressions!

September 8, 2008 at 12:42 AM  
Blogger Life. Stories. said...

Clever use of animation, loved the robot's expressions & storyline.

Director clearly expressed the urgent need to educate viewers that Earth will become one big dumpster if human beings continue their wasteful ways.

However, the biggest players creating the 'mess' is actually manufacturers.

To stop wastage, consumers will have to first stop demanding, and that will mean a weaker Economy & GDP groth. . Hmm anyway, the director's message has certainly captured my attention!

Hope it had for all of you too!

September 8, 2008 at 1:58 AM  
Blogger silent reverie said...

i wanna watch the show! Gotta arrange with my friends.. haha.

Yupz, i agree, nonverbal communication is just as important,if not even more than, verbal communication.

HAven seen the show, so i can't really comment on the messages of the show. But yah lah, i gather that Wall-E is in luurve with Eve. So sweet right.. haha.

I saw some trailer pics... there's a huge dose of humor in the show, right?

September 8, 2008 at 2:21 AM  
Blogger iluvmatmat said...

It's sounds interesting!

Personally, I haven't watched the movie and never really thought about watching it but after your review and the links that you put in there, I really feel like watching it.

Aside from how the movie went, I felt that you really managed to relate to communications quite a bit and it's interesting how you actually fill our minds with your perceptions of how it all is.


September 8, 2008 at 2:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Based on your account, the director used a non verbal approach in the movie to bring across his messages.

The non verbal love story between Wall.E and Eve romanticized the the movie which otherwise may be too serious for themes like pollution and human dependent on technology.

Through the actions and eye's expression of Wall.E, it showcased how effective non verbal communication can be in sending messages across. But a simple illustration like this may not work well in the complicated human species. It's not as simple as showing the pollution of Earth and its consequences which is self-explainatory.

How often does people misunderstood one another when using non-verbal communication? I believe non verbal communication should be use to complement verbal communication in order to minimise the noise in the communication channel.

September 8, 2008 at 2:44 AM  
Blogger Chloe said...

Yup I agree with what you said as well lawrence. I guess in communication there is no such thing as one being better off than another one. We have to use verbal and non verbal communication as a complement to each other in order to minimize the amount of misunderstanding that might be made.

September 8, 2008 at 2:50 AM  
Blogger Jun said...

i watched the movie with my boyfriend and realized that wall-e looks a little like him. LOL! especially the "kuku" eyes. haha..

anyway, i agree with what you wrote. body language is no doubt very important. understanding it well can bring much help in the future.

September 8, 2008 at 6:05 PM  
Blogger Emil said...

I have to admit I have not seen the movie, but I understand the gist of it thanks to your synopsis.

Judging from the lack of verbal communication, this movie is sorta similar to the silent movies of the past such as in Charlie Chaplin's time. Goes to show (no pun intended) that not everything need to be put in words.

Despite its cute appearance, the show seems to have its own darker side as well. Its projection of humans in the future is certainly and unsettling one and may indeed be possible.

Although we developed technology to make our lives easier, in some ways our lives are becoming dependent on it as well. How many of you can survive on a deserted island without any modern tools or technology? I know I cannot.

September 9, 2008 at 10:03 PM  
Blogger Geraldine said...

i watched wall-e and i loved the movie!

it has little dialogue but there's so much non-verbal communication involved that it was really interesting. (:

September 10, 2008 at 8:44 PM  
Blogger joy said...

I haven't get to watch the movie yet!

Honestly, i admit that i was skeptical about the whole thing, i was basically thinking that the whole movie was without dialogue and it would just be hand signals, gestures and facial expressions between 2 robots...

But oh well! After seeing so many positive comments and reviews, perhaps i should give wall-e a shot after all =)

September 10, 2008 at 9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting storyline put across in a refreshingly original manner. Simple and effective portrayal of humans' overt dependence on gadgets to run their lives, and the 'reycle or perish' theme. What stayed with me, was the vivid apocalyptic image of a world devoid of humans and one that was filled to the brim with pollution. A stern reminder to do our part in taking care of the environment.

Didn't really like the romance bit though...the sweetness and novelty of watching 2 robots romancing each other wore off halfway through the movie. There's only so much 'Wall Eeeee... Evvvaaa'.. i could take after sometime. Then again, maybe it's just me :P

I agree with you on your analysis of the importance of non verbal cues in the process of communicating with others. In fact i read before somewhere, that non-verbal cues make up 70% or more in our interaction with other people...

September 11, 2008 at 7:40 PM  
Blogger soldreamer said...

i haven watch this movie yet.. but from ur review, i'm tempted!! anyway, i believe that non verbal communication is truly and interesting issue.. actions speaks louder than words.. it brings out a clearer picture of things..

September 12, 2008 at 4:08 PM  
Blogger Kai Siang said...

This film is one of the few that has very few verbal communication taking place. Most of the story is presented to the audience almost purely by non-verbal means. It is interesting to see such a unique film that attracts many. From this film we can easily see that communication can continue even through no n verbal means. It shows that we are very adept at look out for non-verbal cues without realizing it.

September 12, 2008 at 10:36 PM  
Blogger diet whipped cream said...

"there's only one constant and that's change"
this can best fit the description of the face of today's communication.
with the rise of technology these days, we neglect the very primal form of face-to-face communication.
most of today's communication occurs over the internet or sms. and this phenomenon is on the rise.
personally, i feel that we should never take for granted the importance of the human factor.

September 12, 2008 at 10:50 PM  

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