Sunday, September 14, 2008


Perception is defined as the process by which we select, organize and interpret information. And it is influenced by psychological and social factors. Different people have different perceptions due to these reasons.
Just like the new apple iphone 3G, some people love it while some people find it like an eye candy and nothing else. Why the difference in perception? It all comes back to how a person define his or her mobile phone. Is it a phone for you to call and sms or for another purposes, and what are these other purposes?

What reasons that may influence one's selection in choosing this phone? Could it be the individual characteristics, mass media, social network or the environment? One may select this phone due to the knowledge he or she has on this muti purpose phone. One may also select this phone due to how mass media has portrayed it with its desciption of the phone. Perhaps one may has many friends who bought it thus, would love to have one himself. Or maybe one just want to show off to his peers that he has an Apple iphone.

After selecting and organsizing the information one have on iphone, he or she will intepret whether or not should one buy the phone.

In advertising the phone, the companies uses non-verbal communication such as the physical appearance of the iphone. This is done so by using printed ads or nicely animated videos to introduce the features of the phones.


Blogger Zed Ngoh said...

for a long time, Apple had trouble selling their computers. then in 1998, they launched the iMac, in their myriad of colours, and repositioned themselves as hip and cool electronic manufactures. they went on to give us the iPod(and it's siblings) and the Macbook(and it's offsprings).

the iPhone was sold pretty much by hype. pre-orders and waiting lists even before the actually launched seemed insatiable. i find it amazing how they have managed to create such a massive positive perception of their product.

even to this day, the success of their marketing/advertisement campaign is often used as a case study.

September 14, 2008 at 5:05 PM  
Blogger Geraldine said...

i feel that many have bought the iphone because of the commotion there was about months ago before it was launched. people probably felt that it was the best phone because of its wide array of functions.

besides that apple is a rather famous brand. and its not unusual to see many people buying this product.

i guess it does boil down to the perception people have on phones. purchasers of the phone would probably be very technology saavy and like to keep in touch with the latest trends.

September 14, 2008 at 5:32 PM  
Blogger Kai Siang said...

Apple advertisements are usually non-verbal central. Their little use of verbal cues allows one to interpret the product purely on photos. It has serve them well consistently and it is a great example of non verbal communication.

September 15, 2008 at 12:54 AM  
Blogger silent reverie said...

wow. Kai Siang's comment reminded me of some of the Adverts i saw for iPods , with just the outline of ppl and music and colours. Hmm.

Anw, i'm not too savvy with the technological advancements. My phone serves me well with sms and call functions. And oh! i love how i can take decent photographs with my phone, the Sony Ericsson K800i. Bro and sis recommended it to me, and sis actually got a same model that time, less than 2 years back. I like it, apart from it being slightly bulky as compared to those slim phones.

Mobile phone adverts i feel are very important to create awareness of new models, or series. I thought those models that come out in series, like similar but slightly different, or same model different colors, have generally done quite well, haven't they? BUt yah lah phone must not be too 'buggy' or prone to malfunction. But there're a lot of 'chio' phones that have sold quite well.

I have no idea how technology is gonna progress in the coming days. Perhaps one day i'll deem my usual smses and calls as insufficient, and demand some other function that at the moment escapes my comprehension. Who knows? But i don't mind watching interesting Mobile Phone adverts at the time being.. haha.

September 15, 2008 at 9:47 PM  
Blogger Emil said...

It all boils down to perception. In my opinion, advertisements does more than inform the consumer about the existence of a product.

It also about changing the perception of the audience to a more favourable one for its product. Adverts try to persuade the consumer that one product is superior than the other. (whether real or imaginary)

After all, the only reason why you would buy one product compared to another is because you perceive it to be superior in terms of a certain aspect.

Like what Zed said about Apple, the iMac would be seen as superior in the hip and cool sector when compared to other manufacturers.

September 15, 2008 at 10:45 PM  
Blogger joy said...

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September 18, 2008 at 2:32 PM  
Blogger joy said...

Surprisingly, i'm not in the least interested in purchasing an iphone. I was more interested in the Samsung Omnia phone =). For me, i go for the slick features of the phone and not really for the functions. Don't get me wrong, but its just that i prefer to go for a phone that looks attractive, though it may seem silly to some. And most importantly, i get attracted to various phone models through the commercials that are used to promote the phone. If the concept is really good, then yup, i'll be interested! Take a look at my 3rd post Chloe! Gonna do on phone commercials!

September 18, 2008 at 2:34 PM  
Blogger lucas said...

in my opinion, the iphone is all hype and no function. its camera is nothing close to the best of its class, chain of smses in chat form gets screwed up in some instances and it can't sense inputs from nails and ladies often have difficulties typing. i have tried using one but i gave up for buttons are still the best way to go about keying in numbers or letters, at least for myself.

you have to give it to them for the sleek interface and exceptional marketing though, it is really astonishing as to how they can create such a good perception of their products to the masses.

September 21, 2008 at 7:19 PM  
Blogger Chloe said...

Yes i agree that it is really difficult to use an iphone. I heard many users complaining about using iphones as well. It is really a wonder how so many many people are willing to buy this very expensive phone! I guess the success of this phone is pretty much because of their marketing skills.

October 26, 2008 at 12:59 AM  

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